How to keep good tenants in your rental property

How to keep good tenants in your rental property

Owning rental property might seem at first like an easy income maker, but there are hidden costs. Tenant turnover is one of those hidden costs that can be more expensive than you might expect. Cleaning costs, repairs, and advertising all cost money at a time when your...

Benefits of property management for your rental

Benefits of property management for your rental

Hiring a property manager for your rental units can provide some great benefits, such as not having to screen tenants, collect rent, enforce the rental agreement, or deal with maintenance requests. Far West Realty suggests that you consider the benefits of property...

Property management duties

Property management duties

If you're a Prescott investment property owner, whether in state or out of state, you may think that property managers only fill out leases and collect rent. You may be unfamiliar with the variety of specific tasks your property manager should be responsible for...

Helpful advice to landlords

Helpful advice to landlords

Rental income property lessons can be very expensive. If you're a rental property owner, you may already have paid the price for being 'too nice' or thinking a basic understanding of landlord and tenant laws will suffice. Far West Realty, experts in managing rental...

Determining the value of your rental property

Determining the value of your rental property

Determining the right amount to charge for your rental property can be difficult. If you charge too much, you may have trouble finding tenants, which, in turn, reduces the amount of rent you collect. However, if you charge too little, you may lose out on potential...

Why hire a property manager for your investment property

Why hire a property manager for your investment property

Owning a rental property can be a great investment, generating steady income. However, rental properties only work out for landlords when they have good tenants. Why hire a property manager for your Prescott investment property? Far West Realty is here to answer that...

Benefits of outsourcing rent collection

Benefits of outsourcing rent collection

Rental properties can be a good source of income. However, managing your own rental properties can also be time-consuming. You may experience tenants mistreating the property, creating problems with the neighbors and community, or simply being difficult to work with....

Choosing the right investment property

Choosing the right investment property

Real estate investing can be a fulfilling and lucrative endeavor. However, many people dive right in without taking the time to consider important steps. This leads to headaches and heartaches that could easily have been avoided. For years, Far West Realty has been...

When to hire a property manager for your investment property

When to hire a property manager for your investment property

Far West Realty provides excellence in property management for your Prescott rental home.Are you in a position where you would like some help managing your Prescott rental property? Far West Realty offers the following information to outline the benefits and help you...

Services we provide for your Prescott investment property

Services we provide for your Prescott investment property

Whether you own one or multiple rental properties in the Prescott area, here are several important reasons for making Far West Realty your investment property manager. Managing about a hundred carefully selected properties allows Far West Realty Property Management...

Property management advice to first-time landlords in Prescott

Property management advice to first-time landlords in Prescott

Are you planning on purchasing a property with the aim of becoming a landlord? Perhaps you have already purchased that property, and you’re ready to take the first step. Far West Realty offers property management advice to first-time landlords in Prescott. There...

Checklist for landlords when tenants move out

Checklist for landlords when tenants move out

A checklist can help relieve the stress of tenant move-out and make both tenant and landlord aware of the expectations. Far West Realty shares a checklist for Prescott landlords when tenants vacate your rental property. A tenant move-out checklist is something...