Why Property Management?

Property management in prescott by Far West RealtyBack in ’07 when I first became an owner of a real estate company in Prescott, Arizona, I made calls to all my previous real estate clients to let them know.  One of those clients had been the broker of his own real estate company for many years in western Arizona.  In the course of that conversation, I posed this question:  “So, what advice do you have for this rookie?”  Without hesitation, he said, “Be sure you have a property management department in your company.”

That really wasn’t what I wanted to hear.  I had been a successful sales agent in real estate for quite a few years at that point, and I liked that.  I wasn’t interested in dealing with the headaches I knew would be associated with managing rentals.  So, he and I discussed the pros and cons, and the overall benefits to the company, and before all was said and done, I could see he was right.

Still, I ended up thinking it over and re-hashing it for 6 more months before I actually decided to take his advice and create what became Far West Realty’s property management department.  And I have to say the “old real estate veteran” was absolutely right.  I was amazed at how much demand there was for a high-quality, customer-service-oriented, property management service.  This part of our business took off and grew much quicker than I had anticipated, and purely by word of mouth, our little company developed a sizable and healthy Property Management department.

As I look back on why this all happened, it is clear that property owners were (and are) hungry for timely, high-quality, and individualized service.  They did and still do need someone who will watch over and care for their investment as if it were his or her own.  They want it well maintained.  They want its condition regularly monitored and preserved.  They are most anxious to find high-quality tenants, carefully screened for excellent rental histories and more than marginal financial ability.  They rightly insist upon regular, timely and accurate accounting of all income and expense related to their property.  And on all of this, they really appreciate the one-on-one, individual attention of a dedicate agent who keeps their best interests ahead of his own or anyone else.

The reason we became successful, is that we did all those things and did them well.  We met and surpassed our client’s expectations, and before long, word got around.   After almost nine years of providing this kind of property management service, I’m also glad to have learned that it wasn’t all the headache I had thought it would be.  Turns out, I  enjoy it.  I certainly enjoy the satisfaction of many jobs well done, and seeing the growth and success in our company that has accompanied it.  But, above all these things, I’ve enjoyed working with and for, each of our property management clients as much, or perhaps even more than I enjoyed working with my sales clients in years past.

So, long story short, Far West Realty also manages rental property – and I think we’ll keep on doing it.  And, as we do, we’ll keep a special, thankful place in our hearts for the “old veteran”, Mel, who got in all started in the first place.  Thanks Mel!

Far West Realty and Property Management in Prescott offers the personal service you expect and deserve when it comes to your investment property. Contact us today to see why we are the best choice for your property management needs! At Far West Realty, our clients ARE our business. Call 928-772-9400.