You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a Good First Impression

Property Managment First Impressions A number of things happen when a good prospective tenant first sees your rental property. Among others, they decide very quickly whether it appeals to them. If it does, they also get a pretty clear impression of what level of cleanliness, care and maintenance is acceptable to the landlord. The majority of tenants will never rise above that level in their care of the property.

 So, one of the first things that determines a successful landlord-tenant relationship going forward, is the condition of the property. A clean, well-maintained property will attract a high-quality tenant. (Not to mention a higher rental price.)

A high-quality tenant is one to whom the condition of the surroundings matter. Such a person will tend to keep things clean and when maintenance is needed, that person will often handle it personally if possible, or call the landlord, if not.

 Good tenants are always willing, even anxious to help keep the property in excellent condition. Not all of them are as knowledgeable as you might want them to be, about how. But, they are willing to learn, so educating them is key in avoiding unnecessary maintenance or damage charges to the tenants.

In addition, since the condition of his or her living space is important to them, it follows that such individuals are mature, responsible and will pay their rent every month, on time, rain or shine.

So, the very first thing a smart landlord wants a good prospective tenant to see, is a neat, clean, well-maintained property. Don’t get in a hurry and let a good prospect tour your property if it hasn’t been cleaned, or had needed transition maintenance done. Those things are major turn-offs.

An important thing to remember here is that if you’ve kept up on regular periodic maintenance all along, it won’t typically take much time or money to get a property ready to re-rent after a tenant moves out. Consistency is the key.

So, if your property needs repairs, do them, and do them immediately. Ignoring or delaying maintenance will likely lead to bad landlord/tenant relations. It will also insure increased liability for the property owner. Plus, preserving the value of your investment is always a good thing.

Finally, if you are the least bit intimidated by this laundry list of stuff that a good landlord has to keep in mind, and stay on top of, you should be talking to our staff at Far West Realty. We are well acquainted with all this. Our business is taking excellent care of our clients and their rental properties. Just give us a call see how we can help you. I’m Dave Hamill, owner and designated broker of Far West Realty. 928-772-940.