The benefits of hiring a property manager for your rental property

It is a common question that rental property owners and landlord ask, “Is it worth it to hire a property manager to take care of your rental properties? Far West Realty would like to share the benefits with hiring a property management company.

Professional experience can save you time and money

With years of experience, the staff at Far West Realty know how to screen the best tenants for your property, handle day to day maintenance, take care of phone calls and evict unruly tenants.  The stress of dealing with maintenance emergencies or evicting a stubborn tenant from the property can be stressful. Isn’t a small management fee worth the peace of mind?

We understand the local laws that protect both you and the tenants.

It is vital to know and understand the current legislation in your area as ignorance is not excused under court of law. Fines can be very expensive. a good property manager understands these laws and can protect your investment.

We are here for both you and your tenant.

We offer support for both you and your tenants. We also take care of the payments and depost the tenants payments electronic into your account. You do not have to worry about mail delays or lost checks.

All fees you pay a property management company are tax deductible and can reduce the full cost of professional management. We will provide monthly and year end income / expense reports to provide to your tax provider.

If you own properties in the Prescott city area and need a rental manager., you can call Dave at Far West Property Management, and we’ll be happy to show you what we can do for you in managing and preserving your rental property. Contact us at (928) 772-9400.