It Isn’t Just a Numbers Game…


Property Management in Prescott by the numbers“I’m so tired of being treated like a number!”  I’ve heard that line, or lines very similar to it, many times over the years, from Landlords and Tenants alike.  None of us take kindly to such treatment in any circumstance.  Now, I’m not saying that all, or even many property management companies in Prescott are guilty of treating their clients or customers that way.  But, it is apparent that some have in the past, or I wouldn’t get new rental owners, or tenants coming to me and expressing their frustrations over that very thing.

When we first opened our property management division so many years ago, one of the main things that made rental management worth doing, was the opportunity to address that concern, and stand out among our competition by making a real difference.  How do we make a real difference?  We simply do things really differently.  If we see a way to improve the “mouse trap”, we do it.  Often, it’s pretty simple.  More often than not, it has to do with listening to an individual’s specific concern – I mean, take the time needed to really listen.  Listen a lot.  It’s a generally accepted maxim, that we were given two ears and only one mouth, as an indicator of the relative value of those two activities.

In today’s world of technology, effective and timely communication has been made a lot easier.  Yet, the lack thereof is probably the single most frequent complaint I hear when I ask new clients and new tenants why they have been made to feel like a “number”.  Frequently, I am told that their calls and/or complaints are simply not answered.  Feeling ignored is a common sentiment.  People just want to feel that they matter – especially to those we are paying to take care of our interests.

So we, being a fairly small and very focused company, always have time for our clients, the people who own the properties we manage.  Even in the middle of an already hectic day, we always make time to hear and address each client’s needs.  If they call, we answer.  If they have to leave a voicemail, we call back pronto, and then we listen.  If we don’t immediately know the right answer, we find it and get it to them as quickly as possible.

At Far West Realty’s, Property Management Division, we certainly know that nobody is perfect – including us.  There is always room for improvement, and that is exactly what we are always trying to do.  If we see a way to improve what we do, we get on it right away.  If we can see how to better do what our competition is doing, then we do that, too.  That’s why we believe we’ll always stand out competitively in our field.  As a result, our clients are happy campers and willing to let others know about it.  And, of course, satisfied clients are the very best advertising one can buy.  The price is simply a listening and attentive ear, and exceptional service in response.

Don’t just take our word for it, check out the thoughts of a couple of our happy campers:

“David Hamill is very conscientious and professional.  If you are considering Far West Realty for property management services, you will be pleased with their expertise, care, and attention.  Your financial interests will be well represented and because he’s seasoned and fair, tenants like him too.”

-Kent K.
Newport Beach, CA

“Far West Realty has been my property manager in Prescott for the last six years.  Dave Hamill and his crew have done a good job for me.  They have kept the properties occupied and rent-producing.  Perhaps more importantly they have helped me, an absentee landlord, stay on top of maintenance issues and keep my properties in excellent shape and attractive to tenants.  Their financial reporting is both timely and accurate.  In essence, they have made owning rental property in Prescott worry-free, an important consideration for someone not able to keep an eye on things on a daily basis.”

-Jim Ferguson
Austin TX

Far West Realty can effectively manage your property. We bring to the table is experience, integrity, a national network of real estate professionals, all aimed at getting the job done right. Contact us at (928) 772-9400.