Hiring a Property Management Company

Let Far West Realty in Prescott Provide Professional Property Managment for your RentalThere are many advantages to hiring a property management company, but some folks think it’s too expensive. Far West Realty knows that hiring a property manager may not be for everyone, but here are a few situations where you may want to consider hiring a property management company to care for your Prescott rental property.

You don’t live near the property – dealing with tenant issues from afar can be very difficult. If you don’t live in the same area as your rental property, even something as simple collecting rents can be challenging. And when maintenance is needed, being far away can make it hard to find a local service agent to take care of the required maintenance.  Plus, you are often dealing with people you don’t know. Being out of the area just makes it hard to keep an eye on the condition of your investment.

You have multiple rental properties – The more rentals you have, the more time consuming and challenging it can be to properly manage them!

You just don’t have the time – Many people think that having rental property is easy – just deposit the rent check every month. However, it is much more complicated than that. The owner still has responsibilities when maintenance is required, or when the tenants have complaints. And what happens when the rent is not received on time? The owner then has to try and resolve the issue with the tenant. If you do not have time to deal with all the miscellaneous requirements of a rental home, then you may want to consider hiring a professional property manager.

You don’t want to be an employer – Many people decide that it is easier to “just hire” an individual to manage the property. Unfortunately, they don’t always realize the expense and liability of directly hiring an individual to take care of a rental property. Once you become an employer, you need to worry about payroll, etc. A property management company is an independent contractor, so they are required to take care of their own taxes and insurance requirements.

If any of the above applies to your rental property, or if you are just in a position in life where you don’t want to take care of all the issues related to a rental property in Prescott and would rather hire a professional management company to take care of it for you, look no further than Far West Realty. To learn more about our property management services, please give us a call at 928-772-9400