The Ideal Time to Purchase Investment Properties

Given you are in no rush to buy, you might as well wait for the best time of the year to buy property: November, December, and January.  Far West Realty looks to provide clarity on the best time of year to purchase investment property in Prescott.

Far West Realty helps buyers decide the best time to purchase investment homes in Prescott.  Far West Realty provides investment property buyers in Prescott the ideal time to purchase their homes.

Here are the reasons why these are the best three months to buy:

Nobody Is Buying. November through January are prime holiday months. The last thing anybody wants to do during Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s is to shop for a house. The weather is generally also the worst during this time of the year. Meanwhile, due to traditional company budget spending cycles, there’re fewer job turnovers and relocations. Given these factors, your competition to find that perfect property goes way down.

Desperate Sellers. Given we all know that the holidays are between November and January, the act of listing property during this time period indicates the seller is desperate. By waiting until February or March to list, a seller greatly increases the pool of potentials buyers. By listing between November and January, however, the seller may very well be shouting, “I can’t wait! I need your money now!” Thus, as a buyer, you have a much better chance of winning a lowball offer.

See The Property At Its Worst. If you like the property during the middle of winter, then you should love the property during all the other seasons. Winter is when a property is subjected to the harshest conditions. You should test insulation, working pipes, the HVAC unit, the windows, and all sorts of things that get stressed during the winter. People have poor imaginations, which is why staging a home is big business. Your job as a buyer is to look beyond the shaggy green rug and discover the beautiful oak wood floors underneath.

As a buyer, know that there’s still a huge inventory of homes to choose from in November, December, and January.  For more information on investment properties contact Far West Realty at 928-772-9400.